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Transfer Jet

Transfer Jet

  • admin

TransferJet is a Close Proximity Wireless Transfer technology featuring simple operation, safe connection and efficient transfer of data.

Simple Operation
Just touching two devices together automatically initiates transfer of files.

Safe Connection
A short transmission distance minimizes any risks of data theft.
Users can specify and restrict which other devices can be connected by TransferJet.

Efficient Transfer
Very high-speed transfer of large data files.
Physical layer transmission rate is 560 Mbps, maximum data throughput is 375 Mbps.

TransferJet Specifications

Center Frequency 4.48GHz
Transmission Power At or below -70dBm/MHz (average power)
Corresponds to low-intensity radio wave regulation in Japan, and with local regulations in other countries and regions.
Transmission Rate 560Mbps (max.) / effective 375Mbps (data throughput)
System is capable of selecting the appropriate transmission rate depending on the wireless environment.
Communication Distance A few cm