Pfsense : How To Setup Vlans
Setting Vlans On Pfsense
Now we setup the vlans on the pfsense
1. Login to Pfsense
2. Go to Interfaces(assign)
3. Click on the Vlans Tab
4. Click the little + sign to create a new vlan
Now we have some settings like this :
Parent Interface: sis0 (or whatever your LAN)
VLAN Tag: 10
Description: VLAN10
Parent Interface: sis0 (or whatever your LAN)
VLAN Tag: 20
Description: VLAN20
Parent Interface: sis0 (or whatever your LAN)
VLAN Tag: 30
Description: VLAN30
Assign Vlans Interface At Pfsense
Now return to pfsense, and reboot it. Everything should work, we’re just enabling the vlans.
Now login to the pfsense again, go to interfaces(assign), go to interfaces tab, then click the + sign.
You should have:
LAN: sis0
WAN: sis1
OPT1: VLAN 10 on SIS0 (VLAN10)
OPT2: VLAN 20 on SIS0 (VLAN20)
OPT3: VLAN 30 on SIS0 (VLAN30)
Click save. Reboot the pfsense again.
Figure1 : Assign Vlan Interface at Pfsense
Now login to the pfsense again, and change the interface name from OPT1 to VLAN10, and then assign it the ip range and click save. Do the same for VLAN20 ( and VLAN30 (
Now go to the DHCP Server section on the pfsense, and you’ll see a new VLAN10, VLAN20 and VLAN30 at the top, which you can configure.
Make sure it is enabled, then click “Apply Changes”
Figure2 : DHCP Server For Vlan10
Figure3 : DHCP Server For Vlan20
Figure4 : DHCP Server For Vlan30
Setting Up Vlan Routing at Pfsense
After you have done that you will want to configure your firewall rules on the pfsense setup. In this example, Vlan10 can access to Vlan20 and Vlan30. Same as Vlan20, it can access Vlan10 and Vlan30. But for Vlan30, it just can access Vlan20 only.
And now, i’m finish with setup Vlans on Pfsense. U can try it by yourself.