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High End CPU’s – Intel vs AMD

This chart comparing high end CPU’s is made using thousands of PerformanceTestbenchmark results and is updated daily. These are the high end AMD and Intel CPUs are typically those found in newer computers. The chart below compares the performance of Intel Xeon CPUs, Intel Core i7 CPUs, AMD Phenom II CPUs and AMD Opterons with multiple cores. Intel processors vs AMD chips – find out which CPU’s performance is best for your new gaming rig or server!

List of top open source Sales Force Automation software

What is sales force automation software?

It is software that is designed to assist with the tracking of customers and their needs. It also helps with effective sales follow-up. It could typically include modules such as contacts, tasks, activities and financials. It should provide information to the sales rep or sales manager in the form of reports or analytical functionalities.

What does open source sales force automation software offer

Apart from the software addressing the information needs of the sales reps and sales managers, being Open Source, it also provides the following benefits:

  • Open Source products always have the lower cost advantage, as licensing fees would typically not need to be paid as with commercial closed source products, regardless of how many users use it.
  • It can be customized in order to meet the needs of a specific market. It provides the freedom to mix and match with other technologies and to change it to meet unique organizational needs.
  • Smaller businesses could use it to evaluate if sales force automation can generate a return on investment for them
  • It can also be used as an entry point to gather ideas when the intent is to build a custom application.
  • Or it could serve merely as a learning tool for new programmers

Here is a list of some of the popular open source sales force automation software currently available:

  • Within the Sales force automation section is included modules for opportunity management, contact management, account management, forecasting, quotes & contracts, plug-ins for MS Office, mobile solutions and dashboards.
  • Their community edition is free, but they also provide a professional and enterprise edition, for which they charge license fees.

  • A free, full featured 100% open source crm for small to medium size businesses.
  • Provides low-cost and affordable support for productions users required technical support.
  • Key capabilities include sales force automation, marketing automation, activity management, customer support and services, etc.
  • Available for Windows and Linux

  • Apart from the Sales Force Automation function, functions such as sales forecasting, efficient opportunity tracking, customer satisfaction and performance management are also included.

  • open CRM solution that is capable of sales generation, sales fulfillment, marketing and service activities to customers, suppliers, partners or intermediaries.
  • Web-based thus there is no need to deploy clients
  • Comparing against some other commercial CRM software, OpenCRX has to following extra capabilities including complex legal entities, invoice management, territory management, complex product catalog, complex contract management and complex pricing / discounting.

  • The software is continuously being improved.
  • The program covers the functions of customer management, sales force automation, customer support, campaign management, correspondence management, customer interaction and activity tracking, reporting and analytics and document management.
  • Translations are available for more than 20 languages

  • SourceTap’s Open Source CRM includes, apart from Sales Force Automation (SFA) modules, also marketing, campaign management, and customer service functions.
  • Includes modules for leads, accounts, contacts, opportunities, forecasts, activities, time management, products and territories.

  • Includes modules for accounting, contacts, activities, tasks and analytics
  • Developed with Microsoft VB Net, Asp Net and SQL server 2000

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Here you go, a list of top open source sales force automation (SFA) software for you to manage your sales and customers today! ¿Quiénes trabajan en los sitios que visitas?

Para algunos no dejará de ser la típica curiosidad sin relevancia, otros valorarán enormemente la posibilidad de destapar identidades en sus sitios webs más visitados. El servicio es una muestra más de la enorme inventiva startup actual, que nos ofrece propuestas de lo más prometedor a partir de la más simple idea. Tanto que tal vez por eso nadie se hubiese atrevido a ponerla en práctica con anterioridad., como su propio nombre indica, nos permite conocer quiénes de entre nuestroscontactos de LinkedIn se encuentran trabajando en el site en que nos encontremos, ya se trate de una página corporativa, un sitio comercial o cualesquiera otra tipología en que podamos reparar.

Basta descargar la extensión de Chrome pertinente y clicar en el botón que instaurará en nuestra barra de herramientas. Se desplegará entonces un panel de conexiones de primer, segundo y tercer nivel respecto a nuestro perfil en la red profesional, pudiendo consultar también qué gente ha sido contratada o ascendida recientemente en la compañía.

A un servidor, como periodista, la herramienta le resulta tremendamente útil, sabiendo por ejemplo a quién debería entrevistar si me interesase por algún asunto corporativo en concreto.

El responsable de es John Britton, responsable de Twilio, quien ya tiene pensado hacer extensivo el servicio aFacebook y Rapportive. Ésto ampliaría enormemente la visibilidad de la propuesta , suponiendo la red social el mayor cúmulo de identidades profesionales que se conoce:

Me gustaría añadir la posibilidad de destacar contactos, ver conversaciones recientes de gmail, tomar notas… la integración con Facebook depende expresamente del feedback.

Herramientas open source utilizadas por Twitter

En esta página comentan el tema del proyecto Cassandra, y que de momento siguen utilizando mysql para almacenar todos los mensajes. Increíble pero cierto:

En esta otra también hablan de la tecnología que utilizan:

Como grandes utilizadores de software libre, ellos utilizan ampliamente herramientas hechas en lenguajes de scritp, incluido Ruby, haciendo mejoras sobre el propio interprete:

Desde luego es impresionante el empujón que están dando en el tema de desarrollo usando open source.