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Php – White screens….

This is another interesting problem that baffles the novice PHP programmers.

We make a quick change, and upload the file to webserver, we access the webapge and your are presented with a blank white page, aka ‘white screen of death’. It does not even show any error message.

We end up thinking what happened, we refresh the webpage but usually nothing changes.

Why this happens?

This happens because your host has switched off error reporting(for good reasons). So whenever their is a fatal error in your PHP script, and you have error reporting turned off you are presented with white screen of death.

So how to remedy it?

Their are two ways to get out of this situation,

  1. Changes in php.ini file

If you can have access to php.ini file then change the display error property to On.

display_errors = On

Also make sure that error reporting property is at least set to

error_reporting  =  E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT
  1. Changes in the file

In case where you don’t have access to php.ini file, you can set these property in PHP script itself. Simply add following at the very start of your PHP script


If you are using some, open source package like Drupal, Joomla or WordPress then put these codes in the index.php file in the root directory, right at top.

It is also possible that even though you see a blank page, but when you view the source you see the whole html code. This happens when you might miss proper closing an html tag, like <script>,<object> etc.

Please note that white screen of death can also happen due to problems in your Internet connectivity, this usually remedies itself when you do a page refresh.

Explicación de la ley SOPA

  • admin 

Quiere decirnos esto que toda la musica, series, vídeos y libros que descargamos diariamente en nuestro computador o escuchamos, vemos a través de un sitio en Internet , serán expulsados de la red junto con un bloqueo a la pagina que las aloja.


Installing Redmine on Fedora

  • admin 

1. Install Ruby yum install ruby ruby-libs ruby-mode ruby-rdoc ruby-irb ruby-ri ruby-docs

2. Download rubygems from —

3. Change to the extracted directory and run: ruby setup.rb

4. gem install rails -v=2.3.5

5. gem install rack -v=1.0.1

6. Download from and extract

7. create a mysql database for redmine for example » create database redmine;»

8. yum install mysql-libs mysql-devel gcc mysql-devel ruby-devel

9. Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit this file in order to configure your database settings for «production» environment.

10. rake generate_session_store

11. RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

12. RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

13. mkdir tmp public/plugin_assets sudo chown -R redmine:redmine files log tmp public/plugin_assets sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets

14. gem install passenger

15. passenger-install-apache2-module

16. /sbin/service httpd restart That’s It ! You’re Done.

Cool app Android: CamCard Lite/Business Card Scanner

  • admin 

Business Card R is a business card scanner

CamCard captures business card images by using your phone back camera as a scanner. It catches first names, last name, phone, e-mail, address and other extra info and put it into form labels. By this way you will be able to turn a physical business card into a vcard. Once you’ve caught all the data, confirm that everything is in its label and save it You will be able then to save the contact to your phonebook or to the app database, save it to your Gmail account or share it by SMS or other means. It also scans the image of the business card if it has one.

It has to be said that the scanning is quite accurate and it did it well with all the card we’ve tried. One of the features we really liked is the QR code generation/recognition for contact’s content. And also that it has support business card recognition for several languages. CamCard has been integrated with LinkedIn and you can search/invite the card holder directly from the app.

Take in account that this is the Lite version, that will allow you to scan less than 10 business card each week. But if you need to scan more than that amount per week you’ll need to upgrade to the paid versions which costs ($11.99).

CamCard has been developed by IntSig Information Co., Ltd, an app developer who has just launched this app (and its different versions) to the market with remarkably success.

This app is especially useful for those who constantly get business card from contacts and want to put in order them safely in his/her device. If that’s your case, give it a try. But take in account that the Lite version let you scan maximum 10 business cards per week. If you need more, you’ll have to upgrade to the unlimited version.