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Installing Redmine on Fedora

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1. Install Ruby yum install ruby ruby-libs ruby-mode ruby-rdoc ruby-irb ruby-ri ruby-docs

2. Download rubygems from —

3. Change to the extracted directory and run: ruby setup.rb

4. gem install rails -v=2.3.5

5. gem install rack -v=1.0.1

6. Download from and extract

7. create a mysql database for redmine for example » create database redmine;»

8. yum install mysql-libs mysql-devel gcc mysql-devel ruby-devel

9. Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit this file in order to configure your database settings for «production» environment.

10. rake generate_session_store

11. RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

12. RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

13. mkdir tmp public/plugin_assets sudo chown -R redmine:redmine files log tmp public/plugin_assets sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets

14. gem install passenger

15. passenger-install-apache2-module

16. /sbin/service httpd restart That’s It ! You’re Done.

Castrillo de los Polvazares – Cocido Maragato.

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¡¡¡No dejeis de visitar este pueblo por disfrutar del encanto de su arquitectura y además degustar un cocido maragato!!! Sólo a 5 km de Astorga.
Castrillo de los Polvazares un pueblo maragato con Historia.
Es una población de la provincia de León, cercana a Astorga que forma parte de la comarca de La Maragatería y está considerado como Conjunto Histórico-Artístico.
Astorga, capital desde la que se da comienzo y en la que se finaliza, el recorrido hacia el Camino de Santiago, es además, uno de los puntos por los que pasa una de las rutas, que desde la época de los romanos, une el norte y sur de España, la Ruta de la Plata.

Sus habitantes fueron los llamados arrieros maragatos. Que comercializaban con vinos, salazones de pescados, y muchos otros bienes, que transportaban al interior de la costa gallega, y al volver cargaban con embutidos y productos de secano. Habitaban las llamadas casas arrieras, cuya estructura se disponía en función de su actividad.
En la actualidad la principal actividad económica se basa en el turismo y en la artesanía. Sus principales atractivos turísticos son su arquitectura típica y su gastronomía, con el
Cocido Maragato como distintivo.

Cool app Android: CamCard Lite/Business Card Scanner

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Business Card R is a business card scanner

CamCard captures business card images by using your phone back camera as a scanner. It catches first names, last name, phone, e-mail, address and other extra info and put it into form labels. By this way you will be able to turn a physical business card into a vcard. Once you’ve caught all the data, confirm that everything is in its label and save it You will be able then to save the contact to your phonebook or to the app database, save it to your Gmail account or share it by SMS or other means. It also scans the image of the business card if it has one.

It has to be said that the scanning is quite accurate and it did it well with all the card we’ve tried. One of the features we really liked is the QR code generation/recognition for contact’s content. And also that it has support business card recognition for several languages. CamCard has been integrated with LinkedIn and you can search/invite the card holder directly from the app.

Take in account that this is the Lite version, that will allow you to scan less than 10 business card each week. But if you need to scan more than that amount per week you’ll need to upgrade to the paid versions which costs ($11.99).

CamCard has been developed by IntSig Information Co., Ltd, an app developer who has just launched this app (and its different versions) to the market with remarkably success.

This app is especially useful for those who constantly get business card from contacts and want to put in order them safely in his/her device. If that’s your case, give it a try. But take in account that the Lite version let you scan maximum 10 business cards per week. If you need more, you’ll have to upgrade to the unlimited version.